Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wife Swap and WWYD Differences!

This was my email sent across the computer multiverse to Sunny from QingDao University in China.

              Dear Sunny,

                   Wow! My class just finished watching the episodes of What Would You Do and Wife Swap and I just have to say how incredible it was to experience those two shows. The one with the male sexual predator really caught my eye in What Would You Do because of how everybody reacted. I suppose that I really don't see many people so outspoken these days.

                     After we finished watching Wife Swap we had some time to discuss about it in class. I have never seen my class become so opinionated!! It was a really fun time, and I would like to do it over again. It was very interesting because of how the, "Laundry Volcano" got taken care of. There were some things that America would do the same in the aspect of watching Wife Swap. How would you relate to that episode?

                      This culture swap assignment was a really fun assignment to do and share with you guys! I've really enjoyed the company that you have offered to me as a person. Anyways, must get going though. I hope you write back with how you responded to the episodes! I'll watch for an email from you!

                                                                                               Kevin Lewis

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