Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pictures From the Adventure of Scavenging!!!


Something I would call beautiful is my beautiful girlfriend Lauretta. She’s not just beautiful and nice looking, but you can actually see the inside of her and see how beautiful she is there as well.


This is actually a picture taking 2 prompts at once. “Something to remind me of Parkview” and “Someone that makes you laugh or smile.” We actually don’t honestly know if he’s telling us the real truth half of the time, but he’s usually there when you don’t need him.


This, my friends, is a Bowling Ball. By the name of the “Unhinged,” this is my round object. I always try to incorporate bowling in half of my projects because I am a very avid bowler. My average is about 203 score per game, and I intend to raise it over the years.

1 comment:

  1. You have such an extraordinary personality! Keep being yourself, and you will go far in life. Don't give up Kevin!
