Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Book Passage Assignment

        I really don't have any favorite books to exclusively talk about to a group of people. I haven't necessarily had much experience reading many books. Some of my favorite books although are the Hunger Games series(not the movies though), Divergent series(same thing as before), and an attempt to read many other books but I could never get into them. Some of my favorite stand-alone books are "The Program" and "The Naturals". Sometimes I like to kick back and relax with a nice book, but because I have so many things that are also going on in my life, It is a very difficult time.
        As I am late with this assignment, I don't have any passages from any books. But I do know that if I had a book on hand, I could write some sort of meaningful passage with it. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wife Swap and WWYD Differences!

This was my email sent across the computer multiverse to Sunny from QingDao University in China.

              Dear Sunny,

                   Wow! My class just finished watching the episodes of What Would You Do and Wife Swap and I just have to say how incredible it was to experience those two shows. The one with the male sexual predator really caught my eye in What Would You Do because of how everybody reacted. I suppose that I really don't see many people so outspoken these days.

                     After we finished watching Wife Swap we had some time to discuss about it in class. I have never seen my class become so opinionated!! It was a really fun time, and I would like to do it over again. It was very interesting because of how the, "Laundry Volcano" got taken care of. There were some things that America would do the same in the aspect of watching Wife Swap. How would you relate to that episode?

                      This culture swap assignment was a really fun assignment to do and share with you guys! I've really enjoyed the company that you have offered to me as a person. Anyways, must get going though. I hope you write back with how you responded to the episodes! I'll watch for an email from you!

                                                                                               Kevin Lewis

Pictures From the Adventure of Scavenging!!!


Something I would call beautiful is my beautiful girlfriend Lauretta. She’s not just beautiful and nice looking, but you can actually see the inside of her and see how beautiful she is there as well.


This is actually a picture taking 2 prompts at once. “Something to remind me of Parkview” and “Someone that makes you laugh or smile.” We actually don’t honestly know if he’s telling us the real truth half of the time, but he’s usually there when you don’t need him.


This, my friends, is a Bowling Ball. By the name of the “Unhinged,” this is my round object. I always try to incorporate bowling in half of my projects because I am a very avid bowler. My average is about 203 score per game, and I intend to raise it over the years.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

MSU Exchange Student Visit to Parkview!!

Image result for qingdao university

             The Color posts sent to China to exchange with their students was one thing, but whenever I figured out they were coming here to Parkview, I was ecstatic. To be able to meet someone that has come from almost completely across the globe was amazing. Although they didn't fly all of the way out here as they just drove on a bus here form Missouri State, It was still an amazing sight to see when they would script out their characters. I learned that we are all different, but we also have plenty of similarities. I learned on the day they came how to say "Confused" in Chinese. Although I can't remember how to anymore, it was a sight to see. Our exchange student, as in the group with me, Jessie, and Bailey, was Doudou. And yes, you do pronounce it like the bird. And yes, that is how she explained it to us. She said and I'll quote, "It's so much more beautiful here!" I would agree, but there are ways in which China is beautiful. She is spending a year at Missouri State University for her major in Wine-Making. How cool is that? To major in wine making.
              My group took them on a tour of Parkview High School. First, starting off inside of the Library, since that is where we met. Then, touring out the double doors to the right, where we saw the Courtyard and passed by some advertisements that Parkview students post around the school. Key Club, Wrestling, and some others were on the bulletin board. Then, we walked to the Art Hallway, looking at the masks and other paintings that were posted as well. Then, we went to the Photography dark room, and she flipped out! She was so excited to be in the room as I don't think she's ever seen one. I hadn't either at that point so I was waiting for her to ask questions. We then walked into the ASL room where they were doing some independent work on interpreting their songs into ASL format. We then ran out of time and walked through the courtyard and relaxed in the open spring air.
              I know that this was not a sanctioned class lesson, but It was such a wonderful experience. I wish I were here next year so I could possibly take the class again to see what next years students are like as well. Although I don't have any pictures of them with me or visa versa, they did take a picture on their phone of us all in a group together. It was a tremendous experience and I hope that next year, they redo and visit us again.