Thursday, February 18, 2016

Image result for sunset glowing brightly


                "Sunset Glow"

They were good friends, Kate and Jim. They ran together, played together, and were really close. One night, they sat together under the sky, watching the sun fall. As it approached the horizon, the glow was absolutely unbearable. They had to look away, to shield themselves from the hot, bright, summer glow. When the night reached it's peak in the sunset, Jim took Kate in his arms and rolled down the mountain. They laughed and held each other as they fell on the hot grass, together, down the mountain. Once they rolled halfway, Jim looked over at the sun and lost his grip with Kate and she was rolling quicker. Jim was able to stop himself, and hold on the side of the mountain, but Kate continued to fall. "Kate!" Jim cried out with his voice a higher pitch, but she didn't stop falling. He could see her clawing and gripping the ground with all of her might, but nothing could work. She fell faster and faster down the mountain. Next to rocks and over caves, hitting the ground hard after the fall from the overpasses. She slides now, approaching the end, with her body twisted and broken in ways unimaginable. Jim looked down the mountain, seeing a dark orange color, the color of the sunset. The sunset blood spilled from Kate's body, pouring onto the brown, dusty ground. He wept and cried at the top of the mountain, then, he fell down with her. "Kate.. Kate.. Kate.." he repeated as he fell and sprayed his sunset glow all over the grass next to Kate's. The moon and stars shined over them, at the bottom of the mountain.


  1. Oh, my gosh! How beautiful the description of the sunset and the colors and how morbid the end... Sad but good!

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