Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Sonata of Words

I am choosing to write my object essay over my violin. I have had my current violin that I play now, “Clairice,” for 3 years. Ever since my 5th grade year, I have always been interested in playing some kind of musical instrument. To be completely honest, I now regret choosing the violin. If you have ever heard the cello play in the background of a wonderful sonata by the famous Mozart, you can never beat the amazing flowing that the cello can perform. With my violin, I can change the way a piece of music sounds in less than a second. Maybe at first, I start with a nice and slow Introduction, playing the melody with ease. Just like a car driving on the highway. Strolling along quickly. Then… all of the sudden… there’s a car that is on the wrong side of the road. Driving at 110 mph. The violin starts to become quicker. The melody becomes harder and faster, Making the scene feel even more intense.

Then, a pause.

A 10 second pause while everyone in the audience is hanging on the edge of their seat, waiting to know what happened to the cars that were in the accident. A small voice pops out from the violin, a soft and quiet trickle from the highest string. Softly increasing in volume, but not too loud, just to show that the ones in the cars are still there. Then, another pause. A sudden stop and end to a beautiful piece of music. One of my most favorite pieces is Kol Nidrei by the famous Bruch. There is no other way to show a skill that is all out moving and special other than Kol Nidre.

But, enough about that, I want to talk about my violin. I started playing in 5th grade with a school owned instrument and I had the privilege to be taught by an amazing teacher. Then, I got my own violin from Hoover and I never would have been happier. I practiced with my violin day and night, all of the scales that I knew how to do, and now I’m first chair in the advanced orchestra. It is an amazing honor to be shown as the “best” violinist at Parkview High School. I have never really had any private lessons, but I did have one done with someone who’s name I can’t remember. It was nice to get a lesson from someone, but it was also really aggravating. I am one of those people who don’t really like to listen to what others have to say about me whenever I am wrong. All that he really wanted to do was help, I know. But, it seemed like he didn’t like everything. I played a part of a song, he said, “Wait! Why are you holding your bow like that?!”

“Uhh… because that’s how I was taught to?”

Anyways, I hold my bow different from most people, who cares? Honestly, if I can play the notes right and make it sound like music, I’m happy with that! There are plenty of violinists better than me, I get that. I’m really not a cocky person when it comes to playing the violin. But whenever I’m playing sports or something other than relaxing music, you can’t stop me.

Anyways, I really enjoy playing the violin. I remember back in 7th grade whenever me and Kyle would always play music together. He’s my brother by the way. I remember way back when, we would look for songs on the internet and see that it was for flute and violin. I guess it was really the way me and him bonded throughout the years of bickering and fighting. Recently, I just picked up the Ocarina. I know how to play some scales and that is pretty much about it. But, violin has been my life for so long and I can’t imagine living without it.


  1. Interesting metaphor comparing a violins section to that of a(n) unsettling transition when driving a car, also you have great levels of expertise when you use the beautiful pieces that are your consist and make up your writing

  2. I agree with Jeremy. You are very artistic and it shows not just in your music but in your writing as well. I am amazed that you haven't had much private violin instruction. You are a natural talent! Love your title, by the way, and I love how you think about your violin, Clairice! Can't wait to read more!
