Tuesday, January 26, 2016

One-Hundred and One Things About Me:

1. I am an Avid Bowler. I bowl around 4 times a week.
2. I play the violin.
3. I can speak fluently in American Sign Language.
4. I do like to read books, just not all of the time because of not having any time on my hands.
5. I will be attending MSU after I graduate High School.
6. edefries_is_best, add me on PSN for the 4.
7. I have been in a relationship for 3 years.
8. I am always usually listening to music whenever I get the chance.
9. I kind of feel awkward leaving Parkview and going to college.
10. I am part of ASL Club, PHS Bowling, and Orchestra.
11. Chess really defines me.
12. I'll continue this later.
13. Bye.


  1. I love the fact that you play violin and bowl and love ASL club, but what are or is edefries? A game? You are a thinker, so I'm guessing it is a game. Thanks for sharing! Anxious to read more of your work.

  2. I love the fact that you play violin and bowl and love ASL club, but what are or is edefries? A game? You are a thinker, so I'm guessing it is a game. Thanks for sharing! Anxious to read more of your work.
